My Sweet Holly:
I love you very much. 24 hrs ago, the Lord called you home. My heart is broken, I want you and need you here. But, I know now, you have your total healing. You fought a great battle and proven a lot of people wrong (even doctors) in this. Truly the Lord gave you strength in all of this. You are an amazing woman of God, a precious wife and an awesome mother. You were my strength (in the natural) as we pressed along in the ministry together. You were such an encourager and uplifter. Truly, as your friend said, an Angel sent from heaven. We laughed, cried, rejoiced, hurt together. Since you left this earth, Peyton and my heart truly aches for you. Peyton loves you very much. He adored you like no other. He truly was a mama's boy. It has been hard to try to tell explain to him what has transpired. I have been through pain before but not like this. No matter what, through life or death, may the name of Jesus be glorified!
You were truly example of a Proverbs 31 woman.
Psalms 116:15
Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints.
We love you very much (from your boys).
Kevin and Peyton
It was such an honor to be at the celebration of her life today. She was an incredible example of the love of Christ to everyone she met. Sweet Holly is with the Lord now, but the legacy she has left behind will last forever! We will continue to pray for you, Peyton and your family.