Saturday, August 7, 2010

Semper Fi

Good Early Morning to all:

It is 5:15am EST. At this early of an hour, I am reminded of my Marine boot camp days at Parris Island, SC. To all the future Marines and other Marines that are hitting the pavement at this hour - Semper Fidelis (Semper Fi).

Our text this morning is found in Mark 12:30

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy should, and with all thy mind, and with all they strength: this is the first commandment.

Semper Fi is a Latin word that means - Always Faithful. Always faithful to what? In Marine world it is being faithful to God, Country and Corps. From day one the Marine (recruit) is taught these principles. Let's take these 3 words in reverse order. The recruit in boot camp is taught to always honor the service of the Marine Corps. This means not only the present but the history of this fine institution. Not only honoring the service of the Corps but honoring the country you defend. That means you will protect America at all costs, even dying for it. Not only a Marine is taught to honor the Corps and their Country but is also taught to honor God. Actually, there is not much teaching on that subject while a person is in boot camp - at least I don't recall. They do let recruits go to church on Sunday and have their freedom of religion. Basically what is taught is if you have a God - you may worship him. Nevertheless, the motto of the Marines is Semper Fi - Always Faithful. I believe the Marines can attest that through out their history, this word Semper Fi is just not a "nice" little saying but has brought together a unity among a group of people that no matter where you at in this world - it ignites a "kindred spirit" within the ones that have proudly worn the label United States Marine.

As a Marine is faithful to the Corps during his service, the question has to be ask of those that confess Jesus as their Lord - Are you Always Faithful to Him? You see, a Marine knows that the Corps isn't going anywhere. They know they wake up each morning without a thought about anything happening to the Corps. There is no worry or concern in that Marine's mind. But, they do have to get up each morning and conduct themselves by the honor code of Semper Fidelis. Their concern is to carry out their duties as a well trained, well behaved and well mannered Marine. They show their loyalty to the one that is taking care of them.

Where is your faithfulness, where is your loyalty at or to? Do you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? Are you faithful to the One that is Always Faithful to you?

Why is there a boot camp in the Marines? There are several reasons, but one is to weed out the "wanna be". To see one is for real and who is not. Make no mistake about, the Lord knows who is Faithful and who is Not! Which one are YOU!


1 comment:

  1. A footnote to your "wanna be" real Christian. Someone may fool even a brother (in the LORD)or even fool themselves into thinking they are someone they are not, but the LORD sees and knows you for he knew you before you were born. You can not hide from GOD, you may run, but never hide. Let us not forget the LORD is Alpha and Omega. Being faithful will always pay in the END.
