Good Morning to all:
Matthew 10:42-43
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Are you a confessor or a denier?
The Greek meaning for confess is:
a. to speak the same with or consent to desire of another
b. celebrate with public praises
c. to speak agreeable to fact and truth
The Greek meaning for deny is:
a. to refuse anyone
b. to reject someone (includes face to face)
c. to decline, to give up, to disown
Where do you stand with the Lord. Is it just mere words from the lips or is it from the heart. Anyone can say I know the Lord causally but or a few can say I know the Lord intimately.
Do you speak about Him only at church and home. Or, do you speak about Him in the marketplace, job, community and etc?
You could be a Christian and still deny Him. Just ask Peter!
Christians want to be used by the Lord but miss many opportunities because they don't want to offend and/or open their mouth to speak the things of our God. So, the question is, would you rather be denied by man or by the Lord?
I will close with the words of our brother Stephen. I enjoy reading this story we find in the book of Acts. Right before Stephen was getting stoned in Acts 7:55 for preaching the gospel, he said the following:
But he (Stephen) being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
Jesus stood for all the world on that day He was crucified. He shed His blood for the remission of sins. Jesus confessed not my will be done but yours (The Father). Stephen understood that and when it was his turn to speak - he did. He did not tuck and run - he stood and preached the gospel. Why? Stephen had a intimacy with Lord that he understood what Christ did for him.
We know that Christ died and rose. We also know that he sits at the right hand for the Father. With that said look at verse 55 again and notice something. Stephen said I saw Jesus standing (not sitting) on the right hand of God. I believe on that day that Jesus was sitting in His normal sit but when he saw Stephen stand for the gospel (stand for Him), Jesus arose from His sitting position and stood for Stephen. Why? Stephen was a confessor and not a denier!